Alternote App For Mac


The internet is easily accessible to us nowadays, and whatever we need to know is just a click away, and sometimes, we don’t need to click, as well, with a smart assistant just waiting for us to ask something. Well, even if you aren’t lucky enough to have a smart assistant, you can always search for things you need by opening your favourite web browser. However, on a Mac, things are even easier with Alfred, where you can search the web, search for files or other contents locally, do some small calculations, or carry out some other simple activities right from one place.

Alternote is a beautiful new note-taking app for Mac that’s powered by Evernote. Currently in Public Beta, Alternote sports a host of features that make it an absolutely handy app to have on your Mac for note-taking, jotting down ideas, free-form writing or pretty much any kind of writing. The app is also really fast as it uses the native macOS APIs like Core Text for maximum speed. One of the best features of this app is that it supports iCloud sync, ensuring that your work is synced across devices without you having to do anything. Apart from being present on Mac, Texastic also has an iOS app which works on both iPhones and iPads.

However, for Windows, Alfred is not available, thus here are some software that can be used to get Alfred like features on Windows to increase productivity. Indeed, not exactly but still we don’t have any other option.


Wox looks more or less like Alferd for Windows where you can customize every single thing on the program. There are different colour schemes available for Wox to make the program look exactly the way you want, and configuring the program is very easy at the same time.

Wox is open-source, and it is improving every single day to offer you more functionalities across the board. One can extend the capabilities of Wox by using plugins available for it.


The Ueli as Alfred for Windows alternative is very easy to set up, and you can even change the shortcut key combination to launch the Ueli box. Ueli is quite lightweight, and my personal favourite, however, the only problem is, it has a high impact on start-up, as per Windows Task Manager.

But I didn’t find any significant delay in a start-up with Ueli configured to run on start-up. As Ueli don’t have confusing settings to configure, I will surely recommend it, if you don’t have enough technical know-how.


KeyPirinha Is a lightweight Alfred alternative for Windows 10/8/7, which is a simple portable app. We can install it on Windows 10 or 7 using the Chocolatey package manager. The availability of third-party packages for it helps us to increase its capabilities to make it one step closer to Alfred for Windows to increase productivity.

Alternate App For Mac Desktop

Besides the ability to launch apps, search for files and do most other simple tasks, you can even execute commands within a certain app to make your job even simpler.

Cerebro app

Alternate App For Mac Shortcut

Although this app doesn’t get updated for quite some time now, however, we used it on Windows 10 and it worked fine in our case. Cerebro App is an open-source productivity booster tool. If you’re looking for some additional set of functionalities, Cerebro App can come in handy for you, as it can also bring search results from the web just below the search box on Cerebro App.

However, the only problem with Alfred alternative for Windows is that Cerebro app doesn’t have a functionality to stop the program from bringing search results from the web and even a very small mistake in the spelling of the search keyword can mess things up. Cerebro app is worth giving a try, as it can turn out to be your favourite for the special functionality to bring search results from the web without the aid of a web browser.

Free app for mac

Alternate App For Mac Windows 10

Other Alternatives:

I am using Evernote since a long time and prefer to browse my notebooks from the Evernote website. Although Evernote is a great service, I don’t like Evernote’s Mac app because I find it a bit complex. Evernote sports tons of features(which is good for power users) but its Mac app is too cluttered with all those buttons, information and settings that one average user might not want.

Alternote is a new note-taking app for Mac which uses Evernote as its backend. The app features three-pane layout with your notebooks listed on the left pane, your notes in the middle pane and note’s content on the right pane. Unlike Evernote, Alternote is simple and easy to navigate. There’s just the right stuff on the screen.

Alternative Mail App For Mac

Through the left pane, you can access all your notebooks, starred notes and tags. You can also create a new Notebook from this pane and view the trashed notes using the Trash button at the bottom of the left pane. When you hover over the notebooks and tags, the app shows the number of items the notebook contains. The middle pane lists all the notes in the selected Notebook or tag. The app also features a search box at the top of the middle pane. You can alter the way the notes are displayed in the middle pane by clicking on the sort icon at the top. You can switch between Full mode which shows the excerpt with the Note title and Compact mode which shows just the Note title. The app also gives sorting options. You can add a new note using the Add icon at the top.

Mac Apps Download

The right pane displays the content of the selected note with Note title at top. The app gives a lot of options for writing notes including a WYSIWYG editor, option to switch between Night and Day mode, option to change the font and the font-size. Alternote also features a distraction-free mode which lets you focus just on your writing. You can also create to-do lists in Alternote.

Apart from the above mentioned features, Alternote also lets users change the background of the left pane. The app is so nice and simple that I started using it instead of the using Evernote’s web app. Alternote is in Public beta and can be downloaded from Mac App Store.