Best Time Management Apps Mac

For instance, some time management apps mac will not work on Windows and vise versa. Some apps also work best on desktops, while others are ideal for mobile use. Benefits of Using Time Management Apps. There are numerous pros of using such apps, but let’s just name a few of the biggest ones. Accurate billing.

Warren Buffett once said, “I can buy anything I want, but I can’t buy time.” In addition to being a stark reminder of mortality, this also alludes to one of the biggest reasons that many businesses fail: poor time management skills.

Why is time management important? CEOs and managers simply can’t afford to be inefficient in how they run things, especially if they hope to have a successful business or a work/life balance that’s anywhere close to healthy.

Previous studies have found that the average employee spends just around 40% of their workday on “actual work,” and, unfortunately, many high-level business people who have worked their way up the corporate ladder bring the same kind of inefficiency with them.

That’s why time management apps are a big business. If they can help you reclaim even 5% of the time you spend on trivial tasks, that could potentially free up a couple of hours every week.

Below you’ll find the best time management tips, as well as some useful apps, to help you take back control of your schedule.

How To Acquire Essential Time Management Skills

No one is born a bastion of efficiency or knowing all of the keys to time management in business. When it comes to mastering time management techniques, as with any other skill, practice makes perfect.

In looking for the best time management app offerings out there, you’ll notice that most of them praise even the smallest successes rather than punishing failure.

It’s also unwise to buy into any time management tools that are overly prescriptive and fail to recognize that in the world of how to manage time, incremental progress is still progress. So let’s get to it.

1. Plan ahead

There’s an old cliché in the business world that “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” As is usually the case, there’s some truth to it.

Although sticking unflinchingly to a plan that isn’t working is just as bad, having some idea of the direction you want things to go is always a good starting point.

If you’re not sure how to manage your time and are of a right-brained mindset, a tool like Aeon Timeline is excellent for laying out tasks in a visual way.

More than that, Aeon Timeline allows you to:

  • Work on multiple projects at once, breaking things down into subtasks

  • Link tasks with dependencies and assign them to yourself or others

  • Use project templates designed to be visually appealing and highly customizable

  • Import CSV files and export images, PDFs, or interactive presentations

Sure, a to-do list can be a good start to any project, but it usually fails to capture the lay of the land in the same way that a more visual plan does.

2. Prioritize ruthlessly

When you have a plan in place, you can start figuring out what you need to do in the short term to make progress towards successfully executing that plan.

There are various ways to go about prioritizing your tasks, from “eating the frog” (which involves tackling the tasks you’re least enthused about first thing in the morning to reduce procrastination) to categorizing your tasks by type:

  • Important and urgent

  • Important but not urgent

  • Urgent but not important

  • Not urgent or important

In looking at how to manage time, learning to prioritize (and to say “no” when something simply isn’t a priority) is a valuable skill.

3. Delegate to be free

Once you have a better idea of what you need to be doing in the coming days, weeks, and months, as well as when you need to be doing it, you can think about which tasks you need to tackle yourself and which you can delegate to employees or colleagues.

Tools like Wrike, Trello, or Jira are great for this but, if you prefer something that feels more like a native app for Mac, check out Merlin Project Express.

In addition to letting you plan out your projects with tasks, dependencies, and progress tracking, Merlin Project Express also allows you to:

  • Take advantage of tried and tested, but very flexible, project templates

  • Track team member performance and time spent, with cost generation capability

  • Sync with your Mac address book to keep everyone on the same page

  • Break down big projects into smaller tasks with a smart project timeline that reflects the urgency of your to-dos

  • Attach emails, notes, and images to your project, so everything you might need to access is available in one place

4. Analyze your capacity

Once the wheels are set in motion, it’s way too easy to assume that everything is going exactly to plan. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case. It’s inevitable that plans, or at least some element of them, don’t work as expected.

When that happens, it’s important to right the ship in a timely manner. Using project management tools properly lets you get insight into the progress others are making without the need for endless meetings or “status update” emails back and forth.

It’s important to get into the swing of addressing shortfalls or other problems as they arise because it means that you don’t need to wait for something to go drastically wrong before you pay attention to it.

As for your own time management activities, an app like Timing is helpful for keeping an eye on things because it analyzes and reports on how you use your Mac without the need to stop and start manual time trackers (which are way too easy to forget about).

Automatic time management tools like Timing are useful because they:

  • Save time by “knowing” what you’re working on without having to add lots of information manually

  • Keep track of the documents and apps you’re spending the most time on, even when you don’t realize it yourself How to turn windows apps into mac apps windows 10.

  • Prepare reports that make it clear at a glance what you might need to cut back on or speed up, and areas you might be neglecting

  • Still allow for the addition of “off-Mac” activities such as phone calls or meetings manually

5. Eliminate distractions

From speculative emails and social media to what’s going on outside your office window, the modern workplace is full of potential distractions. That’s why many people consider time management strategies more important than ever.

Some swear by the Pomodoro technique, which sees users working for blocks of 25 minutes before taking a 5-minute break, while others believe that listening to your body (e.g. starting and working late if you’re a night owl, or vice versa if you’re a morning person) is the key to reducing distractibility.

Be Focused is one example of a time management app that aims to eliminate distractions during time allocated for working, and fits the Pomodoro technique nicely with its default settings.

More flexible than many other trackers, Be Focused allows:

  • Full customization of interval, short break, and long break duration

  • Balancing multiple tasks at once, with easy switching between different to-dos

  • Pausing or skipping of work intervals in case of unexpected interruptions

  • Cross compatibility with iPhone and iPad (iOS version available)

  • Generation of CSV files and reports to track progress towards your goals

Mindfulness is all the rage these days, so it’s no surprise that many time management activities in 2019 embrace the principles of eliminating distractions and concentrating for preset periods of time.

6. Take frequent breaks

Graphic design apps for mac. Whether or not you’re using the Pomodoro technique, as mentioned above, it’s important to take breaks to recharge your batteries. When asking questions around “what is time management?” and “how can I get more done?” the answer should never be “working more hours than you’re now.”

It might sound counterintuitive to think about taking breaks when considering time management activities, but they are absolutely vital to prevent burnout and reset your mind before coming back to tasks with fresh eyes.

Some folks work best taking short breaks, perhaps heading out for a brisk walk or catching up on social media, while others prefer to split their day into two with a longer lunch break. Test a few different styles and see what works..

7. Never cease to experiment

When you’re looking into how to manage time, you’ll come across literally hundreds of articles and apps designed to help you make progress. What most won’t tell you, however, is that many of the time management strategies you read just won’t work for you.

Different people have different business styles, which inevitably means that a time management app some people swear by could feel utterly pedestrian or like a chore to you. And that’s totally fine!

The key here is to find the best time management app, and other techniques, that fits in with you.

What is time management? Not a destination, but a journey.

It’s easy to groan whenever anyone describes something as “a journey, not a destination,” but it really is true when it comes to developing time management skills.

Just as hoarders don’t decide to toss everything they’ve collected in one go, you can’t expect to become a time management mastermind overnight. Instead, this is a developmental process during which you figure out the right time management tips to help you. There’s certainly no shortage of them out there for you to try!

Again, why is time management important? When you’re more productive at work, you develop a healthier work/life balance, worry less about work during your free time, sleep better, and likely develop a stronger relationship with your colleagues or employees. It doesn’t get much more important than that!

Best of all, every single app you need to excel at time management, be it Aeon Timeline, Timing, Merlin Project Express, or Be Focused, is available to you for a free trial through Setapp, a platform with over 150 productive app for your Mac. Start experimenting early to rip all those long-term benefits!

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Meantime, prepare for all the awesome things you can do with Setapp.

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In today’s fast paced digital world where our attention span is shorter than a Goldfish, everyone is looking for ‘hacks’ to achieve a monk like focus.

And why shouldn’t they.

After all, a higher focus means high productivity, more work, less error and most importantly, more money.

But tell me honestly:

How happy you’d be if I tell you there our specific apps out there designed to help people like you and me increase focus and become more productive.

These tools are called ‘Time Management Apps.’

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A time management app is basically a tool that tracks all your digital activities and gives a comprehensive picture of which task, website or app is taking the most amount of your time.

Now, there are dozens of tools out there that calls itself the best in the business. But which one should you go with?

I’ve done the heavy lifting for you and analyzed the 5 most popular time management softwares and the results were quite interesting.

And I’m sure, by the time you’ll finish this article, you’ll have a clear picture in your mind regarding which tool you want to go with.

So, let’s get straight into it.














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Starts from $9 per month

Best Time Management Apps

The main goal of this review was to find a complete time management tool that not only tracks time and is easy to use but also gives you detailed reports about how much time you’re spending on each task, and lets you block distracting websites too.

One that you can use individually as well as in your business.

According to my test results and first-hand experience, I’ve ranked these apps in best to worst order.

So let’s see which one won the race and which one came last.

1. FocusMe

FocusMe is the most complete time management app out there. It provides time tracking, website blocking, scheduling, and POMODORO support all in one package

At a cost of only a few dollars a month, it is also great value for money.

FocusMe Pros:

#1 Time Tracking with Detailed Report

FocusMe excels at core purpose of any productivity tool: tracking the total time spent on each website or app.

As soon as you log in to the app, it will automatically begin tracking how much time you’re spending on each website and app in your computer.

The reports break down by both websites and apps used, which gives you a clear picture.

#2 Website and App Blocking

FocusMe is one of the few tools that allows users to block distracting websites (social media, porn sites, news sites, games, etc.)

On top of this is the ability to block incoming emails on Gmail, while still being able to send them.

#3 POMODORO support

If you’ve done any reading about productivity, you’ve probably come across the POMODORO technique. The FocusMe app is one of a few tools that lets its users take full advantage of POMODORO via a customizable timer.

#4 Scheduling Tasks

With FocusMe you can schedule different tasks in your time management tool and track how much time is spent on each one. For extra efficiency, you can even decide the starting and ending time of each task.

What a pain.Consider joining me in asking Apple (I do every year) to change this setting so that it is separately configurable for podcasts and music.You can then keep the music clean without blocking the rare and specific episodes of popular podcasts like This American Life, Radio Lab, etc. How to turn off rufous app macbook. Said:The consequence of turning Explicit off then on then off then on (as needed) is that your playlists will re-download to replace tracks between clean and explicit versions.i have to do this because I don’t like explicit language in music for myself or my daughter but when I’m by myself and listening to reputable podcasts I will be blocked form episodes if I’m in Clean mode.

#5 Lowest Price

At just $2.50/mo (billed $xx annually), you get access to all FocusMe’s premium features. Students can get 30% discount on all its plans, and if you like their Facebook or Twitter page, you can receive a 15% discount.

FocusMe Cons:

#1 Works with only a few devices

The only disadvantage of FocusMe is the lack of compatibility with many devices.

FocusMe only offers a free Android app, with quite limited features. No iPhone option is currently available. On desktop, it works with Mac and Windows devices, but not Linux.

FocusMe Plans

FocusMe doesn’t have any free plans to offer, but the premium plan is free for the first 15 days, with no credit card required.

Paid plans start from as low as $2.50/month (paid annually). Students can get a 30% discount. There is also a 15% discount for liking and following them on social media.

Businesses must contact the company for a custom price.

Do I recommend FocusMe?

Definitely! The low price point and reporting/tracking features make it one of the best time management software tools available.

2. RescueTime

RescueTime helps you track your time and gain a clear picture of how you spend your time online.
However, while RescueTime does an exceptional job in tracking time and sending reports, it lacks a few key features.

Best time management apps mac free

RescueTime Pros:

#1 Brilliant time tracking and reporting

Accurate time tracking is one of the most notable features of RescueTime. The dashboard refrsshes every five to fifteen minutes, to give you real-time reporting for time spent on your phone or computer.

#2 Set Goals

RescueTime lets you set goals (e.g. restrict social media to one hour day) that can help increase your productivity.

This feature helps users know how they’re progressing towards their desired productivity goal. And this is a unique feature that ai couldn’t find in any other time tracking tool I tested.

#3 Website Blocking

RescueTime is great if you tend to get distracted by social media or news sites while working. The ability to block sites this requires the Premium service, but can be well worth it.

#4 Fast customer support

When I had a question, the support team got back to me within 5 hours and gave a detailed explanation about their product’s feature.

RescueTime Cons

#1 Not so User-friendly interface (Android app)

The app interface shows a lot of things at once, such as total logged time, productivity pulse, a small timer icon in the bottom right corner, etc. This confusing as there are no clear instructions.

#2 No POMODORO support

Unlike FocusMe and Toggl, there is no POMODORO support in the RescueTime app.

#3 No scheduling

There also does not seem to be any option to schedule a task for a certain time period.

RescueTime Plans

RescueTime is one of the few time tracking tools with a free account option.

The RescueTime Lite plan comes with zero cost and limited features. RescueTime premium plan starts from $9/month or $72 when paid annually.

Do I recommend RescueTime?

As a free app, it enables you to track your time and also shows you how much time you’re spending on each website . If you need to block websites, then you can consider the premium plan. However, all things considered, it isn’t as great a deal as FocusMe.

3. Toggl

Toggl is by far the easiest time tracking and productivity app. It offers a clean, easy-to-navigate user interface. It is great for solo freelancers or someone with a small team.

It has many features like POMODORO and scheduling, but there are also a few features missing.

Toggl Pros

#1 Easy-to-use interface

Toggl has a very clean home page with lots of white space. It clearly shows you how you can get started tracking your activities. It also does not require a download and can be used directly through a web browser on their website.

#2 Easy Scheduling

Scheduling a task in Toggl is just a matter of few clicks, which is a great for a time-saving app. You can also schedule a particular task for a specific time day or time.

#3 Great for Freelancers

Toggl is great for freelancers and for a small team. You can track client and add their name, project and other details in your dashboard. This is great for billing and remote workers.

#4 Project Tracking

Toggl makes it easy to track different projects. By selecting the “Projects” option or going to “Reports” it makes it easy to know how much time has been spent.

#5 POMODORO support

The POMODORO technique is supported by Toggl and is available even if you’re using the basic free plan.

Toggl Cons

#1 No website blocking

Unfortunately, the ability to block websites is not supported by Toggl, which can lead to distraction and a drop in productivity.

#2 Slow Customer Support

Toggl does seem to have slow customer support, with their team taking days to respond.

#3 No website or app tracking report

Despite an exceptional job tracking projects Toggl doesn’t show you which websites you’ve visited or apps you used.

Toggl Plans

Toggl offers 4 different plans to its users. The basic plan is free with some decent functionality. The premium plans start from $9/month (billed annually) with a 30 day free trial.

Do I recommend Toggl?

For freelancers and teams looking for a free tool that can track client work and shows you how much time each project Toggl is a great tool.

4. Time Doctor

For freelancers or business owners who hire freelancers, Time Doctor is a fairly popular time tracking tool.

Despite being well known, Time Doctor’s user interface lacks many key features that limit it’s functionality.

Time Doctor Pros

#1 Time tracking for individuals and teams

While it takes a few minutes to figure out, once you get started Time Doctor does a decent job in this section. Of course, you have to download either their phone or computer app.

It’s also fairly easy to add team members to work on a group project. A simple email can invite them to the group to start tracking.

#2 Compatible with most of the devices

Time Doctor is compatible with almost all operating systems including Windows, Mac, Linux and also provides Android, iOS, and Chrome apps.

#3 Exceptional customer support

When it comes to customer support, Time Doctor is the best in class. They answer questions within one hour and provide accurate help.

Time Doctor Cons

#1 Messy Dashboard

When it comes to usability, Time Doctor is the most difficult to use app. Lack of white space and clear instructions make the dashboard cluttered.This means it takes more time to use, which sort of defeats the purpose of a time-saving app.

#2 No website blocking

Time Doctor currently has no way to block distracting websites or apps using this software.

#3 No POMODORO support

There is no function in Time Doctor that enables using the POMODORO technique.

#4 Can’t schedule task

Time Doctor does not allow tasks to be scheduled, you can only create projects and track time.

Time Doctor Plans

Time Doctor offers only a single plan: $9.99/mo per user with a 14 days free trial. There is no credit card to trial it, so it may be worth testing.

Do I recommend Time Doctor?

Time Doctor is the most complicated app and considering the high price and limited features, it’s not very appealing.

However, for a business owner needing to track employees on a particular project tit may prove useful.

5. Timely

Timely is an AI powered time tracking app that incorporates planning tools It has a great interface, yet lacks some key features like website blocking, POMODORO, etc.

Timely Pros

#1 Clean user interface

Timely features a clean interface that makes it clear how to get started with this app.

#2 Add team member

Timely is great for group projects and to see how much time other members are spending on the project.

#3 Compatible with all popular devices

Timely app works smoothly on Mac and Windows computers and on Android or iPhone.

#4 Task Scheduling

Timely also works as a planner, by allowing you to schedule activities ahead daily, weekly and even monthly.

Timely Cons

#1 No website blocking

There does not seem to be the ability to block websites or apps inside the Timely app.

#2 No POMODORO support

For POMODORO fans there is unfortunately no support here.

#3 Slow customer support

While Timely is great to use tool, their live chat took over 36 hours to receive an answer.

Timely app plans

Timely does not offer free plans, but offers three different paid plans: Solo, Essential, and Company, which start from $7/month.

Do I recommend Timely app?

If you’re a freelancer who wants to track different projects as well as add multiple users it can be useful.

But it also lacks necessary features like website blocking, POMODORO support, detailed reporting, etc.


In today’s digital world where our attention span is less than a Goldfish and everyone is crazy about being ‘productive’, a time management tool is a must in your arsenal.

And if you’re looking for a tool that offers you all the required features in the lowest possible amount, go with FocusMe. It’s the best tool out there at the moment.

However, if you don’t want to spend a single penny but still want to track your time and stay productive, RescueTime or Toggl could be the best choice for you.

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And finally, if you’re a freelancer who just wants to track your total time spent on each project, you can go with Time Doctor or Timely.

Best Time Management Apps Android

So that’s all from us. Now go out there and make the most out of every second of your day. I’m looking forward to read your blog post about ‘productivity hacks’ on BuzzFeed. 😜